We are focused on issues that impact the everyday lives of Little Compton's residents.
Check back for updates on these and other issues throughout the year. Stay informed!
Community housing: background
The issue of affordability in Little Compton has been simmering for several years as market prices soar. In 2021-22, The Housing Trust had the foresight to conduct a survey to gather comments on housing needs in Little Compton, which was followed by a presentation to the Town Council.
Scroll alphabetically to The Housing Trust section on the Town of Little Compton website to view additional documents that were produced during the survey and data gathering process, as well as the mission statement for The Housing Trust. The survey results have formed the basis for LC's initial steps in addressing the very real problem of affordability.
In January 2024, broad new affordable housing laws took effect across RI (RI General Laws 45-53-3). The package of bills focuses on tenant protections, creation of a statewide rental registry, adaptive re-use and issues specific to affordable housing.
For more information at the state level, see: HousingWorksRI
Community housing: updates
Key updates to begin 2024 with positive news!
On on January 20th The Commons Foundation hosted a Town Meeting on Housing with 200 residents in attendance and we've all been charged with spreading the word. Speakers from The Commons Foundation, the Agricultural Conservancy Trust, the LC Planning Board, the United Congregational Church, and the LC Housing Trust can be viewed here: https://youtube/U4bgXwLYt4Y.
There is momentum, collaboration, and planning across these organizations to address the housing affordability challenges faced by many seniors, young families, extended family members, and others who want to remain in town or buy property in Little Compton.
Earlier in January, the Town Council voted to present the General Assembly with revisions to the state’s legislation specific to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). The proposed revisions are crafted to allow multi-general families in LC to build long-term rental ADU on their property if zoning requirements for water and septic are met, among other criteria.
This will be a boost to keeping our families in town by providing living quarters for family members not otherwise able to afford LC’s housing market. Reach out to our town council members to voice any concerns. Will the General Assembly concur with the town council’s proposed changes?
Local farmers
Historically, Little Compton has been a farming community since inhabited by the Sakonnet Native Americans. Centuries later, in 2024, we are fortunate to have access to an abundance of locally grown products through a resurgence of farming over the past 20+ years. In addition to farming enterprises, LC residents sell their own eggs, garlic, vegetables, flowers, and berries from driveway stands.
Yet purchasing land and attaining housing for farm families and farm workers has been a challenge given the real estate market, zoning requirements, and limited housing stock in LC. Young farmers, in particular, have a steep climb to access the capitol needed to buy or lease land, earn a livable wage, and find nearby affordable housing.
The local organization Keep the Farm in Farm Coast is driving attention to the challenges faced by next generation farmers. Join their initiative to actively support farmers in Little Compton as the organization collaborates with the Agricultural Conservancy Trust and other local housing-concerned organizations to grow and sustain our farming community.
Inquire at Town Hall about the Planning Board's vision and efforts by The Housing Trust and Agricultural Conservancy Trust to address issues faced by our farming community. You can support our farmers by making your voice heard by town officials!
View the Little Compton Historical Society's 2021 exhibit titled Everyone Was a Farmer. The Little Compton Historical Society publishes and sells books on local history, much of it focused on aspects of the town's origins as a farming community.
RI coastal health and climate change
Be prepared! There is no question that climate change is already impacting Little Compton's coastline.
It's also important to keep in mind the potential damage that can be caused by a single hurricane to our coastline and town. Check the CRMC's Hurricanes and Coastal Storms site which includes practical storm-related tools and a climate predictor for potential storm patterns.
Sign up for LC's Emergency Management System if you haven't done so already. And make sure you're familiar with LC's Hurricane Evacuation Map.
The following sites offer up-to-date information on climate impact to our community:
The RI Coastal Resources Management Council crmc.ri.gov/strategicplanning.html
Check the site for updates on acquaculture, wind energy, climate change, and other topics of concern to LC.
RI Shoreline Change Special Area Management Plan http://www.beachsamp.org/
An ongoing project by the CRMC involving many other regional institutions to study sea level rise, coastal erosion, etc.
SLAMM map (Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model) specific to LC crmc.ri.gov/maps/maps_slamm/slamm_littlecompton.pdf
This shows current coastal areas with projections of 1, 3 and 5 foot sea level rises.
History Above Water http://historyabovewater.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/74-Bridge-Case-Study-Booklet.pdf
A really great example of public outreach about climate change affecting a Rhode Island community can be seen in this PDF booklet. We see the singular character of Rhode Island and its citizens thinking progressively about a massive problem that looms ahead.
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