Focus on the social and emotional health of students, understanding that children come from different backgrounds and need different types of support
- Provide the help children need as we transition out of digital learning
- Understanding that helping maintain active lifestyles and a healthy home environment sets them up for success
- Setting up a safe and inclusive school for students from all types of families
Implement and maintain the International Baccalaureate program to enhance quality of education and encourage out-of-town enrollment.
- Keep our students engaged in an academically rigorous system
- Ensure we're supporting parents as well
- Support public library system with programming for all ages
- Maintain a diversity of ideas within our schools and libraries
- start streaming School Committee meetings to increase access
Focus on the social and emotional health of students, understanding that children come from different backgrounds and need different types of support
Housing and Economy
- Create affordable housing opportunities for those who work for small businesses and farms in town, for young families, teachers, for fishermen and other local trades people, and seniors hoping to age in place.
- Create a stable income to the Housing Trust as well as incentivize private property owners to create affordable housing units in town available for rent or to own.
- Support small businesses, public school system, small farms, senior life, and recreation opportunities to create a vibrant, multi-generational, diverse community.
- Get RIPTA service to Little Compton as well as bus access to Fall River so that residents can access grocery stores, medical appointments, and other necessities.
- Expand availability of fiber optics and broadband access to all town residents.
Environmental Protection and Ocean Access
- Maintain access to our shoreline for the public and free access to the beach for all town residents. Secure and maintain public access to Lloyds, Taylor Lane, Almy Creek, and the Town Landing. We need to maintain the cleanliness, safety, and character of our coastline and other natural resources.
- We urge our state and utilities to move away from fossil fuels and natural gas and move to 100% renewables. In Little Compton, we must act in accordance with the Act on Climate goals and accede it when possible by investing in clean energy sources for our town buildings (e.g. school, public safety complex, town hall, community center), and in fuel efficient town-owned vehicles (e.g. police cars, DPW vehicles), and to invest in long-term renewable energy sources like geothermal and off-shore wind energy.
- Invest and implement measures that would mitigate the effects of climate change on Little Compton like storm water mitigation, stabilizing power infrastructure, increasing beaver population, and protecting our shoreline from erosion.
- Implement town composting services at the town’s Transfer Station.
Supporting Our Senior Citizens
- Work to fulfill the needs of our Senior community like transportation to medical appts and grocery stores, Stay at Home LC, access to home care, affordable housing etc.
- Support organization of a central senior resident facility to address the needs of our elders. This would offer a variety of services in one location like offering meals and activities as well as act as the headquarters for at-home services.
Town Administration
- Professionalize and streamline town departments and related entities to increase efficiency. Hire a professional grant writer to take advantage of grant opportunities at the state and federal level.
- Provide easy access to participate in town government in all forms by maintaining remote participation options, a user-friendly website, digitalizing town documents, and other technological advances.
- Plan for a road maintenance cycle
- Develop a realistic comprehensive capital plan and a way to enforce it.
- More local advocacy with the DOT to get proper maintenance for state run roads, culverts, etc.
- Prove a safe place for recreational sports like widening road shoulders or installing bike paths where possible on main roads.
Criminal Justice and Policing
- Support efforts to implement a social services or Community Policing department at our Safety Complex (possibly in conjunction with Tiverton’s police/fire department) to address non-criminal emergency issues like domestic disputes and mental health emergency services.
- Encourage implementation of a Juvenile Hearing Board in Little Compton. “Juvenile Hearing Boards are an innovative model for community diversion. Based in restorative justice, JHBs are community, police, mental health professionals and schools working together to link youth to services, counseling and positive alternatives.” https://www.ricj.org/juvenile-justice (exists in 30 of 39 of RIs cities and towns)
- Invest in closer emergency mental health response services on this side of the Sakonnet River.
- Install automated speeding traps in town
Improve access to mental health care in town
Support efforts of Stay-at-Home and public transit to medical appointments
Continue to support mental health needs of WMS Students
Support efforts to bringing healthcare access to LC Wellness center to support preventative healthcare
Increase vaccine accessibility to our residents in this community
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