Our Platform
Be sure to check out our candidate bios and the candidate statements on our blog!
Improve Public Access to Town Government
- Increase access to public meetings through online streaming
- Upgrade and regularly update town website, provide direct access to public meeting materials and minutes
- Follow deliberate, patient, open decision making process
- Provide consistent opportunities for public input
Protect our Landscape and Natural Resources
- Support consistent enforcement of zoning ordinances
- Review LCACT rules, regulations, finances, and legislation
- Support legitimate agricultural-related activities by farmers
Promote Professional, Efficient Administration
- Fill Town Administrator position
- Retain capable, experienced legal representation and closely monitor legal expenses
- Make a rigorous review of town operating and capital budgets
- Provide for proper maintenance of town buildings and roads
Promote Community through Inclusivity and Civility
- Support services for children, seniors, and those whose needs are not adequately served by current programs
- Support the arts, cultural, and and agricultural businesses
- Support and strengthen Wilbur-McMahon School
- Provide a town government that listens and responds to each citizen
For more information, have a look at the candidate statements on our blog.
The Little Compton Democratic Town Committee Endorses the following candidates:
U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
U.S. Representative David Cicilline
RI Atty. General Peter Neronha
R.I. Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea
Treasurer Seth Magaziner
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