
Key updates to begin 2024 with positive news!

On on January 20th The Commons Foundation hosted a Town Meeting on Housing with 200 residents in attendance and we've all been charged with spreading the word. Speakers from The Commons Foundation, the Agricultural Conservancy Trust, the LC Planning Board, the United Congregational Church, and the LC Housing Trust can be viewed here: https://youtube/U4bgXwLYt4Y.

There is momentum, collaboration, and planning across these organizations to address the housing affordability challenges faced by many seniors, young families, extended family members, and others who want to remain in town or buy property in Little Compton.

Earlier in January, the Town Council voted to present the General Assembly with revisions to the state’s legislation specific to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). The proposed revisions are crafted to allow multi-general families in LC to build long-term rental ADU on their property if zoning requirements for water and septic are met, among other criteria.

This will be a boost to keeping our families in town by providing living quarters for family members not otherwise able to afford LC’s housing market. Reach out to our town council members to voice any concerns. Will the General Assembly concur with the town council’s proposed changes?