Our members are constantly engaged with our state and national representatives, and occasionally we come across messages that we think are relevant to the entire Little Compton community. The single international issue of the day that will have the most direct impact on the property values, ecology, and coastline of our town is climate change, and the single Senator doing the most to address the problem is Sheldon Whitehouse, RI-D.

Senator Whitehouse has put together a 4-5 video detailing what the effects of future sea level rise on Rhode Island. You can find the video below:


Here is a link to a recent article in the Washington Post that the Senator has been sharing with interested parties: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/sea-level-rise-is-eroding-home-value-and-owners-might-not-even-know-it/2018/08/20/ff63fa8c-a0d5-11e8-93e3-24d1703d2a7a_story.html.